Celebrate our favorite time of year with us and WIN !
FIRST PRIZE : $300 Jungle Tribe Online Store Credit
RUNNER UP : $100 Jungle Tribe Online Store Credit
Create themed Halloween Costume Pinterest boards that include ANY
Jungle Tribe items for a chance to win : no limit on entries !
So your imagination is the only limit.
A Blaster Bag for Han Solo ? Chrome Holsters for Lara Croft ? A Ninja Hood for - well - a NINJA ?
Show us what you got!

Create a themed Halloween costume Pinterest board, and include as many Jungle Tribe items as you'd like, use #JungleTribeHalloween hashtag on only the Jungle Tribe pinned items, then email us the link(s) to jungletribela@gmail.com - and make it amazing because we are gonna brag about how freakin' creative you are all over our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts.
* Make sure to include your social media handles so we may tag ya & brag about ya PROPERLY *
WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED OCTOBER 26th at 3PM PST on our Facebook page, Twitter feed and in our Instagram Stories.
You are welcome to enter as many times as you want, as long as each costume board is a different theme.
Now lets get spooky babies, dig it.

* this contest is run by JUNGLE TRIBE and has no affiliation with Pinterest